The start of a journey…

New venture.jpg

Original Publish Date: Jan 1, 2020. Note as of Nov 2023: The focus of this blog will continue to evolve, but will never lose sight of the process aspect.

Strategy is one of those words, like synergy, that tends to be overused. I love reading about the bigger plans to win in any industry or dominate any market. Yet, the word strategy sometimes still denotes an abstract concept for people involved in say sales, operational roles, customer service, to name a few.

I like dealing and working with abstract ideas. But, what makes everything I do a lot more fun is when I take abstract ideas and make it more relatable and actionable for the day to day business.

Strategy shouldn’t be an abstract concept. It needs to be relatable. It needs to be actionable. It needs to be down to earth.

William Zinsser famously pointed out the four principles of good writing in his book ‘On Writing Well’. These principles are (1) clarity, (2) brevity, (3) simplicity, (4) humanity. In my humble opinion, any effective strategy needs to embody these principles. And in doing so, strategy no longer remains an abstract concept and becomes more tangible.

What is the focus of this blog?

This blog will serve as an effort to…

  1. Analyze new techniques to discover untapped value in different industries, sectors

  2. Share thoughts on building a strategy to capitalize on that value

  3. Identify tools for better strategic thinking/dealing with the fuzzy front-end

What can you expect as a reader?

My motto is fairly simple – “One Post. One Takeaway.”

One takeaway at a minimum to be exact. I’m sure there will be posts highlighting sometimes 3 to 5 different takeaways. 

Every post in this blog will be an effort to crystallize some key takeaway suitable for any company in any stage of its lifecycle. Every company, no matter the size, will have to make a multitude of strategic choices. These strategic choices stretch all the way from uncovering value to building a strategy that makes the whole endeavor profitable.

Peeling off the ambiguity in these choices is my eternal, personal effort and hopefully you can join me in this journey!

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